Showing at major shows across the United States is one of the avenues we enjoy to promote our operation as well as watch our customers compete. Our photo gallery of champions through the years shows evidence of the high quality cattle you will find at Barber Ranch. Congratulations to these winners!

Loewen DMF Grace B42 G17 ET
Loewen DMF Gwen B42 G18 ET
Loewen DMF Rita B42 G21 ET
Champion Pen of Three Females
2020 National Western Stock Show
Bred by: John Loewen
Owned and Exhibited by: Barber Ranch
These females are full sibs to our new herd sire - Loewen Genesis G16 ET

BR Amberleigh G029 ET
Grand Champion Horned Female
2020 Texas Hereford State Show
Owned by: Rylee and Raynee Schacher

BR Halsey 9099
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female
2020 JNHE
Grand Champion Polled Female and
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female
2020 Texas Hereford State Show

BR Baize F042 ET
Grand Champion Open Hereford Female
2020 San Antonio Stock Show
Owned by: Tripp Phillips